APPLICATION TO GET PROTECTION BY LT MARG POLICE STATION, ALREADY MY SENTIMENTS HURTED, LIFE LIBERTY EFFECTED UNFAIR VISITED HOME TO THREATEN please I want to hear from you earlier and want to be a fair justice which is more than enough I have suffered and some real facts making you to aware and drawing your attention in matter hafta wasuli involvement of some corrupt officers on ground as a whistle blower act protection contempt of supreme court and Bombay High court directions, violating the whistle blower act which is highly recommend to be fair action I Warees Ali Sayyed state all the such remarks including all the facts are true and correct as per my attention and in my knowledge,which is unfair and anti-social behaviour activities i may claim this here i want to make your attention accordance to Whistle Blowers Act (WBA), passed by Parliament in 2014,and same it is guaranteed to make a identity of informer should be secured and mask and that if violates may be claim on the authorities concerned responsible for any of damage. I'm informing this all the best of my knowledge and experience of such activities is growing which it is requested to immediately conduct and issue the order to all Dist Police Judiciary to be monitored and make them stop in earlier time and the same as take an necessary action according to the Indian panel Court on applicable Offance and file FIR AGAINST each guilty in this should be booked for the offance has been committed, in process to be followed and wipe out such prima facie people's i also have to make an awareness that it is not to be make any call or letter towards me to give statement on this matter as per Wissle blower act it is informed which department has to verify all the such the criminals activists people's as referance i want to draw into your attention is hafta wasuli exposure im making at my own no one helped even also false complaint lodged and served me notice but a Sameer Nazir Shaikh who make me satisfied that he will take action on guilty only i state im satisfy with the assistant police commissioner Hornablle Sameer Nazir shaikh and almost evidence i have before collected even I want to make aware you that the investigation officer was not made any verification all i have given this show a unfairness acting and such officer's should be there so if any harm or any other threatened to my life liberty which can be highly matter if any harmful thing held with me will be responsible government whom I approch to make such investigation and make society clean to nation from a hafta wasuli as the hawkers who give haftas to babu's which many public servant has been also involved as per available records, as I do not intend to hurt anyone, I have given these erring officers opportunity to rectify their failure to discharge the official duty. unless the other side has decided not to discharge their duty wilfully and deliberately I never initiate criminal prosecution. I warees Ali Sayyed Friends we are being destroyed by some public servants & such criminals and who almost use the criminals to make a activists by false cases making, or attacked or any thing in which he may be hurt so rising voice against corruption may stop, i hopw you all understand my pain and a dishonest who are more dangerous than cross border TERRORISTS, So let us put them to docks and save the nation and help honest public servants. No intention to cause hurt and injury to anyone or institution. Please educate me if my submission is incorrect. 1- ALL THE WHISTLE BLOWER ACT 2014 COMPLAINTS AND INFORMER MJKING AWARENESL9GOGOOS IM DOING SINCE MORE THAN 10 YEAR'S, AS WHISTLE BLOWER ACT STATE THAT PROTECTION OF INFORMANT IS FIRST PRIORITY WHICH IS MORE THAN 6 TIME'S VIOLATED 2) 25/12/2021 INCIDENT HELD WHILE I VISITED LT MARG OUTSIDE WHICH VIDEO RECORDING IM ATTESTING HERE , IN THIS HOW ASIF KAPADIA SOHAIL RAMPURIA AND OTHERS GOT INFO THAT I M AT LT MARG EVIDENCE VIDEO IS THERE 3) I MADE COMPLAINT AGAINST ASIF USMAN KAPADIA AND SOHAIL RAMPURIA AND NIRAV ETC HOW NIRAV GOT TO KNOW EVIDENCE ATTEST AUDIO RECORDING OF CALL 4) FAIZAL BODY BUILDER WHOS VIDEO WAS PUBLISHED BY ME I ONLY SHARED THE PERSON INFO WITH SANJAY BHOSLE HOWEVER FAIZAL BUILDER WHO WAS GOTTEN INFORMATION ABOUT WITNESS EVIDENCE ATTACHED CALL RECORDINGS, RTI ATR GIVEN NO ANY ACTIVITY IS CLEAR CHECK RECORD, BUT FAIZAL ON SAME VIDEO ARRESTED UNDER EXTORTION AND THREATENED ACT AFTER SANJAY PANDEY SIR TAKEN CHARGES, THIS IS CLEAR THAT DIVISION HAVE INVOLVED IN THIS HAFTA WASULI 5) IM ATTESTING VIDEO LINK OF CONVERSATION BETWEEN ME AND SANJAY BHOSLE WHERE HE IS MAKING ME CONVENCE TO DO SETTLEMENT WITH FAISAL AND MANY THINGS WILL CLEAR AND YOU MAY UNDERSTAND THE CONDITION 6) NIRAV KAKDIYA WHOM 5 TIMES VIDEO'S WHILE EXTORTION COLLECTING WAS PUBLISHED SOME HAWKERS ALSO WAS GIVEN BECAUSE OF THE HARRASSMENT BUT HOWEVER ALL IGNORED HOW EVER THEN ONE VIDEO I PUBLISHED AGAIN LATER HE ARRESTED AFTER CP SIR ORDERS SINCE OCTOBER TILL MARCH WAS ONLY HAND IN GLOVES AND BAND ON EYE 👁️ 7) A GOLD MELTING BHATTI DETAILS GIVEN BY ME ON TWITTER LATER I COMPLAINT AGAINST ALSO EVEN VISITED AS PER THE FREEDOM OF PRESS 2017 , I HAVE THE RIGHT TO ACCESS THE LOCATION WHERE ANY THING IS SHOULD BE HARM FUL OR ANY NEWS PUBLISHING WHICH PUBLIC RELATIONS MATTER IS THERE HOWEVER I COMPLAINT WAS ALSO GIVEN AND THEN ONE OFFER CAME TO ME TO UNDER TABLE SATTLEMENT WHICH I REFUSED EVIDANCE AVAILABLE WITH ME , WHILE CALLING FIR STATEMENT OFFICER NAME BADANGE WHILE TAKING STATEMENT HE WAS THREATEN THAT I TRESPASS THE LAND COMPLAINT AGAINST YOU GIVEN AND WE HAVE NOT FOUND ANYTHING UNFAIR ALSO EVIDENCE I PRODUCE OF MCGM CASE ON SAME BHATTI LOCATION EVEN VIDEO ALO WHICH IS SHOING MY ENTRY TILL EXIT QUESTIONS IS THAT HOW I HAVE FILLED COMPLAINT HE KNOWS?? IN WHICH STATEMENT HAS BEEN GIVEN FIR MISSING TILL DATE IN SAME DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY I GOT CALL FROM RAUT OFFICER ASKING ME DETAILS AND STATEMENT OF SAME LAND BUT STATEMENT GIVEN ALREADY EVIDANCE ALSO ATTACHED 30/05/2022, AND ONCE AGAIN I GOTTEN CALL FOR SAME EVIDENCE ATTACHED,15 JUNE 2022 8) 172 A MANGOES SHOWROOM ILLEGALLY CONSTRUCTED AND EVEN WORSHIP PLACE ROKADIA HANUMAN MANDIR ALSO DAMAGED AND THE ILLIGAL STRUCTURE COMPLAINT GIVEN HOWEVER I GOT CALL FROM ONE PERSON ASKING TO MEET TO TALK WHO LEAKED ALL DETAILS AND AFTER GIVING ALL DOCUMENTS AND EVIDENCES THE CONSTRUCTION WHICH NEVER STOPPED EVEN BMC HAS ALSO MADE FALSE REPORT APPLICATION TO FILE FIR GIVEN BUT STILL NOTHING DONE BUT THREATEN TO ME DONE , ON 15 JUNE2022 AFTER 1 PM TO 2 PM I GOT CALL CLAIMING COMPLAINT IS GIVEN AGAINST ME BUT ON 30 MAY 2022 CCTV ATTACHED IN PS CHECK ALL SUMMITED 9) I WAS GIVEN COMPLAINT SGAINST SLL HAFTA WASULI ASSOSIATED PEOPLE'S WITH EVIDENCE WHERE JAN 5,8,16 COPIES ARE THERE ON WHICH ITILL DATE FIR NOT REGISTERED HOWEVER FALSE NC REGISTED AGAINST ME ON 07/04/2022 AND EVEN STATEMENT TRUE COPY ATTACHED, WHERE CLEARLY I STATE ON 07/04/2022 I HAVE NOT EVEN SEEN ASIF KAPADIA THREATEN AND BADWORDS THING IS IMPOSSIBLE VIDEO ALSO PRODUCE BUT NC VALID THINK BY I.O. AND EVEN 107 NOTUCE GIVEN SAYING THAT NEAR CP OFFICE CREATED SUCH VIOLATION TILL DATE THEY DON'T HAVE CHECKED FACTS SND REALITY THEY KNOW ITS CLEARLY I MAY CONFIRM BECAUSE MY GIVEN VIDEO THEY SAY IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WHY CDR NOT VERIFIED? A WITNESS PRODUCE ALSO ON VIDEO EVIDENCE TILL DATE NO JUSTICE,NOT ALSO CHECK A EVIDANCE AS CP OFFICE CAMERA'S 24×7 WORKING ONLY IF I FOUND CREATING ANY SUCH THING CLAIMED IN NC I STATE ANY ACTION WILL BE TAKEN ITS ACCEPTED 10) THE RTI I FILLED UNDER 2005 INW HICH INVESTIGATION OFFICER SAY I ACCEPTED THE CRIME OF 504/506 OWN I SHOCKED AT THAT TIME BECAUSE I HAVE STATEMENT COPY WHICH HAS MUCH DIFFERENT ITS FAIR?? EVIDENCE GIVEN AGAIN AND AGAIN ALL THEY DENIED, 11) AT A TIME OF CALLED ME AND ASKED ME TO VIST I WENT AND ENTIRE INCIDENT I RECORD BECAUSE THE CLAIM OF 107 IS ISSUED BY DCP SIR BUT I HAVE STUDIED LAW ALSO AND HAVING THAT MUCH KNOWLEDGE ENOUGHT ACP ISSUE THE 107 NOTICE EVEN I OBSERVED SIGNATURE WAS NOT THERE OF DCP SIR AND I HAVE RECORDED ALL THING AND PUBLISHED AND THEN I GOTTEN MANY TIME THREATEN OF VIDEO RECORDING IS CRIMINAL OFFENCES AND .ETC I SAY WHO FEAR OF CAMERA WHOEVER IS DOING ANYTHING WRONG OR CRIMINAL WILL FEAR AND ITS NOT ANY LAW WHERE A PUBLIC SERVICE OFFECE OR STATE DEPARTMENT PROHIBITION IS THERE EXEPT CENTRAL GOVERNMENT OFFICE'S AS PER MY KNOWLEDGE & IF IT IS NOT ALLOWE WHY DON'T LT MARG MAKE A BANNER OR BOARD IF IS PROHIBITED I WILL GIFT THEM ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE OK ONLY SHOW A OFFICIAL ORDER OF SUPREME COURT OR HIGH COURT IF ANY 12) I GOTTEN MANT TIMES CALLSWB HICH IS AGAINST WISTLE BLOWER ACT WHERE I DONE .Y DUTY AND POLICE HAVE MADE MANY TIMES CALLS IN FRONT OF ACCUSE ASUSAL 2 ACCUSE WHOM I EXPOSED LT MARG HANDE OFFICER IN HIS OFFICE HE CALLED.ME AND SUDDENLY THAN I OBSERVED ALL SUCH UNFAIR ADVANTAGE WHERE I HAVE DIRECTLY REVERTED MY COMPLAINT 13) MANY TIMES I OBSERVED THAT ROLLING IN ROLLING ONE AGAIN ONE I HAVE FACED WHICH EVIDANCE VIDEO LINK ENCLOSED AND I HAVE RIGHT TO TAKE VIDEO IN STATE PUBLIC SERVICE OFFICE OR POLICE STATION IN REFERANCE IK ARRESTING THE CCTV SOUGHT IS 3 MONTHS LATER CANNOT AVAILABLE WHERE OUTSIDE WORSHIP MANDIR IS THERE AND OPP CRIME BRANCH, MUMBAI POLICE HEADQUARTERS, COMMISSNER OFFICE WHERE THIS REPLY MADETHE EXPOSE ARE SECURITY IS ENOUGHT?????? OR HERE DON'T WANT TO GIVE CCTV FOOTAGE BECAUSE INVOLVEMENT IN ANY HAFTA WASULI IS THERE 14) IM GETTING DAY BY DAY HARRASMENT WHY AND FOR ALL ENOUGHT TO MAKE ATTENTION OF YOURS DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY TO MAKE ME THREATENED REALLY MY REPUTATION IS EFFECTIVELY DAMAGE NOT GOT JUSTICE WILL TAKE ANY STEP TO MY OWN LIFE IT'S A LT MARG ENTIRE DIVISION WHO MADE ME SUCH 6 MONTH I MADE MY LIFE IN DANGER AND EXPOSURE OF HAFTA WASULI MAKING ME THREATEN HARM AND MAKING ME FEEL EMBRACE IN SOCIETY'S HAPPEN I STATE RAUT OFFICER RECORDING ENCLOSE ASK HIM PRODUCE RECORDING HE OWN SAID DOING CALL RECORDING WHICH I HOPE YOU MOBILE NUMBER CONSTABLE AND RAUT 3 STAR OFFICER WHO CAME AND AFTER VISIT I SHOWN HIM I NEVER HAVE MIISSED ANY HEARING AND DCP SIR ALSO HEARD IN 1ST APPEAL AND SAID TO CANCEL IT NOTICE I STILL SUFFERING I Warees Ali Sayyed state all the such remarks including all the facts are true and correct as per my attention and in my knowledge,which is unfair and anti-social behaviour activities i may claim this here i want to make your attention accordance to Whistle Blowers Act (WBA), passed by Parliament in 2014,and same it is guaranteed to make a identity of informer should be secured and mask and that if violates may be claim on the authorities concerned responsible for any of damage. I'm informing this all the best of my knowledge and experience of such activities is growing which it is requested to immediately conduct and issue the order to all Dist Police Judiciary to be monitored and make them stop in earlier time and the same as take an necessary action according to the Indian panel Court on applicable Offance and file FIR AGAINST each guilty in this should be booked for the offance has been committed, in process to be followed and wipe out such prima facie people's i also have to make an awareness that it is not to be make any call or letter towards me to give statement on this matter as per Wissle blower act it is informed which department has to verify all the such the criminals activists people's as referance i want to draw into your attention is hafta wasuli exposure im making at my own no one helped even also false complaint lodged and served me notice but a Sameer Nazir Shaikh who make me satisfied that he will take action on guilty only i state im satisfy with the assistant police commissioner Hornablle Sameer Nazir shaikh and almost evidence i have before collected even I want to make aware you that the investigation officer was not made any verification all i have given this show a unfairness acting and such officer's should be there so if any harm or any other threatened to my life liberty which can be highly matter if any harmful thing held with me will be responsible government whom I approch to make such investigation and make society clean to nation from a hafta wasuli as the hawkers who give haftas to babu's which many public servant has been also involved as per available records, as I do not intend to hurt anyone, I have given these erring officers opportunity to rectify their failure to discharge the official duty. unless the other side has decided not to discharge their duty wilfully and deliberately I never initiate criminal prosecution. I warees Ali Sayyed Friends we are being destroyed by some public servants & such criminals and who almost use the criminals to make a activists by false cases making, or attacked or any thing in which he may be hurt so rising voice against corruption may stop, i hopw you all understand my pain and a dishonest who are more dangerous than cross border TERRORISTS, So let us put them to docks and save the nation and help honest public servants. No intention to cause hurt and injury to anyone or institution. Please educate me if my submission is incorrect.
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